Add DPI to Ruler as Collateral

Hi All,

My name is David, over from the IndexCoop.

The DeFi Pulse Index (DPI) is the largest on-chain index containing the governance tokens of the top DeFi platforms with over 200M in TVL. The token is integrated with CREAM and the Unit protocol, and there are open proposals for it to be added to AAVE and Maker. The holders of these tokens are less familiar with DeFi than the crypto-native and are looking for ways to use their DPI to explore DeFi further, and what better way to learn than by using Ruler.

Due to the size of their capitalization and other factors, I suggest adding this token as either “Norm” or “Innov” collateral.

Would love to hear thoughts from your community.



I posted this to the telegram earlier, but figured I’d post here too:

I feel like [DPI] should definitely be added, see no reason not to. Would be nice if they threw in some DPI or Index too for LM. We already have BDPI here I think, so not sure why we couldn’t add DPI. Also, might be a good way to introduce new people to the ruler platform. Personally I think it is good for people who don’t want to have to manage/look after a health factor and just want to have to pay back on time. Holders of DPI might like that, because as said in the proposal, they are generally less familiar with DeFi. I think Ruler protocol can be a bit intimidating though for new people, but once you learn how it works it’s honestly really easy and much less stressful than managing health factors and such.

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